- Understanding and Fellowship
At a time when science recognises an elder brother in religion, it is proper for us to pause and reflect over what religion has to offer us in order to ennoble and enrich our lives. From Karl Marx's earth-earthy denunciation of religion: "Religion is the opium of the masses!" - to Einsteins heart-warming pronouncement: "The cosmic religious experience is the strongest and noblest mainspring of scientific research," - world - thought has covered much ground. The machines that have rolled ruthlessly, relentlessly and remorselessly, "Soulless and Godless", products of Marxian philosophy, have driven sane men to the feet of God, where, kneeling in prayer, they find fruitful companionship in the wiser scientist who finds in religion the door to creative thought, wisdom, understanding and fellowship.
- Worship
It is good to construct a Temple - Church within us and literally through the entire process of worship of God.
- Revelation
Revelation is not the monopoly of any person or sect or cult. Truth, Infinite, is revealed, unveiled, Revelation is like deep sleep minus ignorance where the experiencer is un-objective-conscious of the immediate experience. It is in the twilight of sleep-wakefulness that we realise we slept soundly; it is in the twilight aftermath of the revelation-experience that the Prophet recalls the experience; and when he has passed on from that to the waking state he is able to express it in language-twice removed from Truth.
- Alcohol
If I had the power, I would scrap the Ten Commandments which in any case few observe, and substitute them with one: Do not drink alcohol.
- Bhagavad Gita
(a) Man must do his duty. If he does not, the social structure is disrupted. It is God's mission to uphold righteousness, that God is within each man. Hence Man should pursue Dharma and take measures as His Instrument to establish Dharma on earth.
(b) Dharma is the power of God which upholds creation and sustains and preserves life. Man should understand this and thus free himself from the feeling that he carries a burden of responsibility and from the sense of want which 'compels him to acquire and hoard'. Dharma works through him and others for mutual sustenance and protection.
Dharma is Love - which is unselfishness - Swaha.