- Alone 'Is'
What to do in order to let the Master speak?
The sun is shining, sending down His rays.
You are holding a magnifying glass concentrating them, or a prism which dissipates them.
Remove the glass and the prism.
The sunlight alone 'is'.
- Humility
A lady in Toulouse said: "I love to meet the poor and the downtrodden." Perhaps, she craves for their admiration?
I love to be with the rich and the powerful, because they will not respect and honour me, and they will thus preserve my humility - with the selfish who will guard me against my own selfishness - with the wicked who will save me from public approbation.
- Peace
Swords will be beaten into ploughshares only when Man does not know the other use of the sword.
As the Imitation of Christ says: "All men desire peace, but very few desire those things which make for Peace."
- Sandhyas
I love to unite night and day - the opposites.
Perhaps that is the ideal and so we are asked to pray at sandhyas - dawn and dusk.
- A Psychological Way
When Divine qualities such as Love are attributed to God, it is to point out those qualities, which if cultivated, will purify our heart.
In the Gila the Lord says that all, even contradictory qualities, proceed ultimately from Him. He is All.
But this cannot be realized unless the heart is pure, and in order to purify the heart, we should cultivate virtues. And for us to be inspired to do so, we should be told that they are His qualities and we should associate them with Him in our Meditation.
It is really a psychological way of approaching the problem.