- Desire and Motive
It is possible to be truthful only if one is desireless and motiveless.
Desire and motive make people lie.
- I and You
I always expect to find all virtues in you.
I know why I erred last time and find an excuse to do it again.
Virtue is something we expect to find in others.
Vice is something we are ready to forgive to ourselves!
- Double Morality
Double morality will be found everywhere.
What I consider good for myself I may not consider good for others.
- Religion and Spirituality
What can we learn from the experiences of others, and what should we experience ourselves?
Ritualistic and ethical religious teachings can be learned from the lips and experiences of others, but spirritual truth have to be discovered for ourselves.
We can learn from others that fire will burn if we touch it with our fingers, but if we want to know what it is to beburnt, how it feels, how firefeels, then we will have to have the experience ourselves.
Ideas can be had second-hand, but God must be realised first hand.
Here even a guru can only guide.
- Kumbhakarna
We are told he could sleep so fast that elephants had to rollover him to awaken him.
That Kumbhakarna is our spiritual ignorance, which sleeps in spite of so many awakening influences.