- Pure
The ocean is salty - it has been filled with the tears of miserable human beings.
The rainwater on the contrary is pure.
- The Present
"I brought about the fourfold caste distinction; yet, I did not." - Gita.
God is responsible because it is "natural".
But He disowns authorship of man-made distinctions.; also, why a particular person belongs to a particular caste is determine by his own Guna and Karma.
God created work, situations and challenges - but man creates problems.
Work becomes problem post mortem - situation becomes problem post mortem.
You look forward to work. Work!
But do not look far ahead - you will not be able to concentrate on the present - and thus the opportunity will slip through your fingers and be transformed into worry.
- Sublimate
Suppressing the senses is very dangerous, and this danger can be expressed in these three words: "suppression, compression, explosion!"
Starving the senses does not get rid of the desire, and while you are running away from the objects of the senses, the desire is building up.
Wisdom consists in not suppressing desires but in sublimating them.
Sublimate your desires by prayer and spiritual practices.
- Law of Self-realisation
Bhag. XI-28,I-9.
The Self, which is beyond both good and evil, can be realised only if
1. You are good, and
2. You see no evil.
You cannot ignore the evil in your own heart - for it will compel you to see evil everywhere else!
If your own heart is good, you will not see evil at all .
In other words, if you see evil, your heart is impure, however holy you appear and pretend to be!
- Activity
People of inner harmony and peace just 'be' and 'do', and twenty-four hours is a long, long time.